HydroFlo Pumps Revitalized with Modern Manufacturing
Hydroflo Cheminjector Pumps Relaunched as AquFlow

Hydroflo is now AquFlow
AquFlow a leading innovative US manufacturer of chemical metering pumps has acquired and re-launched the legendary Hydroflo Cheminjector product line as AquFlow.
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About Hydroflo Metering Pumps
Hydroflo was established in 1972 by John P. Klembeth a former design engineer for BIF and Milton Roy Company. The purpose of the Hydroflo Corporation was to fulfill the most demanding needs of the chemical processing and water treatment industry.
Hydroflo pump and Chem-Injector product lines have become well known throughout the industry for delivering high-quality pumps with long lasting performance and dependability. It is not uncommon to see these pumps in use for multiple decades, this reputation has made Hydroflo the pump of choice in the industry.
Hydroflo was sold under Penn Process Technologies in 1996 and Nikkiso Pumps America in 2001. When AquFlow acquired this metering pump line in 2007, we relocated to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Irvine, CA. Located near the largest shipping ports, to provide the fastest lead times to customers. In addition, we have made significant investments to enhance the Hydroflo product line with modern manufacturing while retaining the design features that pump users have come to expect from Hydroflo.